4 Innovative Designs That Make Truffle Boxes Tempting For the Customers

The truffles are sweet chocolates of small size. Children and elders both love to eat them. They are usually packed in tempting and appealing ways in cardboard and Kraft paperboard boxes. The Truffle Boxes are designed in a way to present as gifts to loved ones and dear ones.

They are very delicate and fragile. They need a strong packaging box that protects them from breaking and damage. The cardboard and Kraft boxes are the best economical and durable option for the makers in this regard.

Some manufacturers also use rigid material for the manufacturing of Luxurious Truffle Boxes. These boxes give an elegant and impressive look to the truffles and they can be presented as gift boxes to dear ones.

Sleeve Tray Truffle Boxes: -

These boxes are designed with different building materials according to the need and requirements of a maker. The most demanding ones are the Cardboard Sleeve Tray Boxes with different beautification features.

Some of these Custom Truffle Boxes come with a window feature that enhances the beauty of both enclosed item and box to a great extent. This window adds a see-through quality to the packaging boxes. The enclosed truffles can be seen through this window that stimulates the onlooker's emotions to such an extent that they get forced to buy them.

To further enhance their beauty they are printed with amazing artworks and pictures. The Rigid Boxes in sleeve tray-style adds an extra value to the enclosed truffles and makes them look elegant and beautiful.

2 Piece Truffle Boxes: -

Another sophisticated design to pack the truffles stylishly is the 2 Piece Truffle Boxes. They are designed in two structures. The main structure consists of a container that comes with dividers in it. These dividers keep the truffles separate from each other which protects them from damage.

The second part consists of a lid that covers the container. This lid is normally printed with innovative artworks that enhance the beauty of these boxes to a great deal. A window feature can be added to the designs of these lids that make the packaging boxes extremely tempting and loveable.

Pillow Shape Truffle Boxes: -

The pillow shape boxes are used to make the look of the truffle excitingly beautiful and tempting. As the name suggests they are designed in a pillow shape. Normally, they are made from cardboard and Kraft building materials because they are easily customizable.

The Customized Truffle Boxes in pillow shape are used as gift boxes. Their amazing shape provides a delightful look to the onlookers. The one who receives the truffles in these boxes gets mesmerized and fascinated with their appearance.

Gable Shape Truffle Boxes: -  

Gable Boxes come with a handle on their top. They are usually made with cardboard and Kraft building materials. As they come with easy customization options and can be cut and mold easily. It helps the designers to create these boxes easily.

The size and color of these boxes can be modified easily according to the packaging needs and requirements. By printing them with customized artworks improves their look a great deal. The Custom Printed Truffle Boxes give an amazing look to the enclosed truffles. 

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